Saturday, February 15, 2014

MicroStrategy "Tutorials"


Those MicroStrategy tutorials were THE WORST TUTORIALS EVER. Seriously. Is one supposed to learn something from the ADHD "click here, now click here, now click here" approach? And the so-called "test" for each "lesson" (I'm using quotes very deliberately here!) is to somehow supposed to test your knowledge? About 80% of the time, I click where I'm supposed to (I think? it's the only place that responds to a click) and I get a server error:

UPDATE: so, I tried this out using a different browser and there are pop-ups that guide you through the lesson. OK, so it's slightly better than just seemingly randomly clicking where the big blue arrow points. It would have been *nice* for them to mention that pop-ups were required, or do browser detection to let me know that I wasn't using a supported browser! At least now there's some context to where I'm clicking. And the "tests" direct me where to click (rather than me just clicking around on the screen). I'm still getting the 500 server errors, though. I still think that these are the worst tutorials ever, they just aren't as completely useless as I originally found them.

UPDATE 2: Yay! Done with the "tutorials". I don't think I really learned anything, even though I scored 100% on most of the "tests". Hopefully I'll learn more from the actual assignment.

UPDATE 3: Actually working with MicroStrategy has been much more valuable... It's a very powerful tool and maybe if I had a month or two to use it then I'd actually be able to learn how to use it effectively. The "tutorials", other than letting me know about different buttons, etc. didn't really teach me anything. It's like if someone was teaching you how to drive a car and started out going over all the different parts (here is the steering wheel, here is the brake pedal, etc.). and then you're told "OK, now drive to the store". Frustrating, to say the least.

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